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First Aid

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1) Which of these is a symptom of hypoglycemia in a diabetic?
  1. Confusion
  2. Deep, rapid breaths
  3. Frequent urination
  4. Thirst
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2) In the event of an acid burn, what should your first action be?
  1. Cover the burn with gauze moistened in sterile saline
  2. Flush the area with water
  3. Go to the emergency department
  4. Neutralize the acid with sodium bicarbonate
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3) Which of these burns is the most life-threatening?
  1. First-degree
  2. Second-degree
  3. Third-degree
  4. Combination
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4) The rule of nines:
  1. indicates the amount of IV fluid necessary
  2. indicates the amount of infection present
  3. indicates the depth of a burn
  4. indicates the percentage of body area affected by a burn
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5) In second-degree burns:
  1. the damage extends to the dermis and blisters may be apparent
  2. the damage extends to the subcutaneous layer and there is significant fluid loss
  3. the damage is only superficial and can be treated with moisturizer
  4. the risk of death is high and immediate medical help is needed
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6) You find a colleague unconscious and not breathing. There is no one around to help. What is the first thing you should do?
  1. Call 911
  2. Give chest compressions
  3. Give mouth-to-mouth breaths
  4. Move your colleague into the recovery position
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7) In stroke recognition, what does the acronym FAST stand for?
  1. Face, arm, speech and time
  2. Fever, anxiety, stress, and taste
  3. First airway, second temperature
  4. Flexibility, asthma, and sudden tightness
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8) What should you do if someone is having a seizure?
  1. Give mouth-to-mouth breaths
  2. Hold them down
  3. Put something soft under their head
  4. Put something wooden in their mouth
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9) What does ABC stand for in first aid?
  1. Active body control
  2. Airway, breathing, and circulation
  3. Always be careful
  4. Attention, beware, check
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10) When administering CPR, you should give:
  1. 40 compressions followed by 1 breath
  2. 30 compressions followed by 2 breaths
  3. 20 compressions followed by 5 breaths
  4. 10 compressions followed by 10 breaths
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11) A lab technologist has spilled concentrated hydrochloric acid onto his clothing and skin, affecting a large portion of his body. After he has removed his clothing, the next thing he should do is:
  1. apply a burn ointment to his skin
  2. pour baking soda onto his skin
  3. seek emergency medical assistance
  4. use the emergency safety shower
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12) What is the first step in caring for a wound with significant bleeding?
  1. Add bulky dressings to reinforce blood-soaked bandages
  2. Apply direct pressure with a sterile or clean dressing
  3. Apply pressure at a pressure point
  4. Ask the casualty to recite the alphabet
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13) A colleague spills liquid nitrogen on his hands, causing minor frostbite to his fingers. What should you do immediately?
  1. Immerse his hands in very hot water
  2. Rub his hands vigorously using your own hands
  3. Spray his hands with tepid water
  4. Tell him to shake his hands vigorously
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14) How do you care for someone with a possible neck injury?
  1. Ask the person to try to move their head
  2. Keep the person's head still and do not try to move it
  3. Move the person into a comfortable position
  4. Move the person's head so that it rests above their heart
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15) Nosebleeds are also known as:
  1. epistaxis
  2. fremitus
  3. hematoma
  4. syncope
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16) How should someone with a nosebleed position their head?
  1. In a neutral position
  2. Leaning over, with the head between the knees
  3. Tilted backward
  4. Tilted forward
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17) Cold exposure can cause which condition?
  1. Hyperpyrexia
  2. Hyperthermia
  3. Hypothermia
  4. Hypoxia
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18) A colleague has cut his lower arm and is bleeding. Which of the following is NOT an appropriate response?
  1. Apply firm pressure to the wound using sterile gauze
  2. Clean and dress the wound once the bleeding has stopped
  3. Place a tourniquet over the elbow joint
  4. Wear gloves
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19) Allergic reactions cause which type of shock?
  1. Anaphylactic
  2. Cardiogenic
  3. Hypovolemic
  4. Septic
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20) What is the first thing action to take if a patient or colleague goes into cardiac arrest?
  1. Assess the airway
  2. Check the pulse
  3. Get help and call 911
  4. Perform chest compressions
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21) During CPR, chest compressions should be how many inches deep?
  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4
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22) The Heimlich maneuver is used for which emergency?
  1. Choking
  2. Heat stroke
  3. Poisoning
  4. Syncope
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23) You find a person lying on the floor. You suspect they have received an electric shock. What is the first thing you must do before treating them?
  1. Check if the person is breathing
  2. Check if the person is still in contact with the electrical current
  3. Check the person's pulse
  4. Make a note in the incident logbook
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24) For which of these people would you use the recovery position?
  1. Someone breathing abnormally
  2. Someone unconscious and not breathing
  3. Someone unconscious but breathing normally
  4. Someone undergoing cardiac arrest
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25) Where should you place your hands for CPR?
  1. The centre of the chest
  2. The diaphragm
  3. The pelvis
  4. The stomach
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26) The chain of survival is a four-step process that can help save the lives of victims of:
  1. cardiac arrest
  2. diabetic coma
  3. massive blood loss
  4. stroke
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27) Which of the following is the correct sequence of events in the chain of survival?
  1. Call 911, defibrillation, start CPR
  2. Call 911, start CPR, defibrillation
  3. Defibrillation, call 911, start CPR
  4. Start CPR, call 911, defibrillation
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28) Angina is caused by reduced blood flow to the muscles of which part of the body?
  1. Heart
  2. Legs
  3. Lungs
  4. Stomach
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29) People at risk of a severe allergic reaction often carry devices that inject which medication?
  1. Acetaminophen
  2. Adrenaline
  3. Insulin
  4. Morphine
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30) Strokes are caused by a blood clot in which area of the body?
  1. Brain
  2. Heart
  3. Liver
  4. Lungs
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31) What is an open fracture?
  1. A fracture that punctures a lung
  2. A fracture where the bone has split into two or more pieces
  3. A fracture where the bone is visible through the skin
  4. A fracture where the broken ends of the bone line up and are barely out of place
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32) Open fractures are also called:
  1. comminuted fractures
  2. compound fractures
  3. oblique fractures
  4. transverse fractures
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33) A break in a straight line across the bone is called a _________ fracture.
  1. Comminuted
  2. Oblique
  3. Open
  4. Transverse
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34) Severe blood loss causes which emergency medical condition?
  1. Anaphylaxis
  2. Hyperglycemia
  3. Hyperthermia
  4. Shock
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35) Which type of shock is due to infections?
  1. Anaphylactic
  2. Cardiogenic
  3. Hypovolemic
  4. Septic
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36) Which type of shock is due to blood loss?
  1. Anaphylactic
  2. Cardiogenic
  3. Hypovolemic
  4. Septic
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37) Most sunburns are what severity of burn?
  1. First-degree
  2. Second-degree
  3. Third-degree
  4. Fourth-degree
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38) Second-degree burns are also known as:
  1. char burns
  2. full thickness burns
  3. partial thickness burns
  4. superficial burns
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39) Which type of burn only affects the epidermis, is red, dry, and painful, and does not cause blisters?
  1. First-degree
  2. Second-degree
  3. Third-degree
  4. Fourth-degree
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40) In CPR, how many chest compressions should be given per second?
  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4
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41) Which type of seizure involves the rhythmic twitching or jerking of one or several muscles?
  1. Atonic
  2. Clonic
  3. Myoclonic
  4. Tonic
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