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Physics Final

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1) which of the following situations would not result in a magnetic force on the wire with the magnetic force direction points to north?
  1. current flows down; magnetic field to west
  2. current up; mag. field east
  3. current east; mag field down
  4. current west slight down; mag field down
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2) in a uniform electric field in empty space, a 4 C charge is placed and it feels an electric force of 12 N. if this charge is removed and a 6 C charge is place at the point instead, what force will it feel?
  1. 12 N
  2. 8 N
  3. 24 N
  4. no force
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3) a regular 6 V batter is connected to one side of a transformer. compared to the voltage drop across coil A, the voltage across coil b is?
  1. greater than 6 V
  2. 6 V
  3. less than 6 V
  4. zero
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4) a wire loop is being pulled through a uniform magnetic field(into the page) that suddenly ends. what is the direction of the induced current?
  1. clockwise
  2. counterclockwise
  3. no induced current
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5) four point charges are arranged at the corners of a square. find the electric field E and the potential V at the center of the square
  1. -Q +Q
  2. E=0 V=/0
  3. E=/0 V=0
  4. E=V regardless of the value
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6) a 60-W bulb is followed by a 40-W bulb in series to a 120-V source. which one glows brighter?
  1. 60 W
  2. 40W
  3. they are the same
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7) three charges arranged as shown. what is the electric field at the location X?
  1. southwest
  2. north west
  3. south east
  4. south
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8) assuming the resistance of your hair dryer obeys Ohm's law, what would happen to its power output if you plugged it directly into a 240-V outlet in Europe if it is designed to be used in a 120-V outlet?
  1. its power output would double and overheat
  2. its power output would decrease by a factor of 2
  3. its power output would quadruple and overheat
  4. the power output would decrease by a factor of 4
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9) relative to the blue end of the visible spectrum, the yellow and green regions have:
  1. higher frequencies
  2. longer wavelengths
  3. shorter wavelengths
  4. both a and c
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10) when two parties of the same mass enter a magnetic field with the same initial speed and follow the paths down. which particle has the bigger charge?
  1. charge 2 = 10 kg
  2. charge 1 = 5 kg
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11) The electric field is the strongest:
  1. where the field lines are closest together
  2. where the field lines are farthest apart
  3. where adjacent field lines are parallel
  4. none of the above
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12) a square conductor moves through a uniform magnetic field (out of the page) . if the force is straight up, where do the negative and positive charges accumulate?
  1. negative= bottom positive=top
  2. neg.= top pos.=bottom
  3. neg.= right positive= left
  4. neg.= left positive=right
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13) a conductor in electrostatic equilibrium is carrying a new positive charge. the electric field in the interior of the conductor is..
  1. points outward, toward the surface of the conductor
  2. points inward, away from the surface of the conductor
  3. is zero
  4. points parallel to the surface
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14) you are sitting a certain distance from a point charge and you measure an electric field. if the charge is now doubled and your distance from the charge is also doubled, what is the electric field strength now?
  1. 4E
  2. 2E
  3. E
  4. 1/2E
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15) a transformer at a local substation of the delivery system just before your house has
  1. more winding in the primary coil
  2. more winding in the secondary coil
  3. the same number of windings in both coils
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16) you re-position the two places of a capacitor so that the capacitance doubles. if the charges on the two plates are kept constant in this process, what happens to the potential difference between the two plates?
  1. multiplied by a factor of 4
  2. multiplied by a factor of 2
  3. unchanged
  4. multiplied by a factor of 1.2
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17) a 100 km long copper cable has a circular cross section of radius 1.00 cm. if a constant of 100 A flows through the cable, what is the power loss? the resistivity of copper is p=1.7 × 10^-8
  1. 1.70 kW
  2. 5.41 kW
  3. 17.0 kW
  4. 54.1 kW
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18) If the distance between two point charges is cut in half, the electrical force will be
  1. ) cut in half
  2. ) doubled
  3. ) increased 4 times
  4. ) decreased 4 times
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19) A metal ball hangs from the ceiling by an insulating thread. The ball is attracted to a positive charged rod help near the ball. The charge of t ball must be?
  1. negative
  2. neutral
  3. positive or neutral
  4. negative or neutral
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20) for a current to be induced in a wire loop, which statement is true?
  1. there must be a large magnetic flux through loop
  2. the loop's plane must be parallel to mag. field
  3. the loop's plane must be perpendicular to mag. field
  4. magnetic flux through the loop must vary w/ time
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21) when a light switch that controls a single light bulb is thrown to the "on" position, the electric energy that gets to the light built at a speed on the order of
  1. the speed of light
  2. few millimeters per second
  3. the speed od sound
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