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PT 736 Orthotics and Prosthetics

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1) What is a complete trans metatarsal amputation
  1. Amputation of one metatarsal
  2. Amputation of one or more metatarsals
  3. Amputation of all 5 metatarsals
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2) Myoplasty helps in knee disarticulations by
  1. Preserving muscle mass
  2. Increasing the likelihood of having greater strength and control of the residual limb
  3. Increasing the likelihood of having a better shaped residual limb
  4. All of the above are correct
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3) As many as ____% of persons with new amputations have noticeable phantom limb sensation
  1. 20%
  2. 40%
  3. 50%
  4. 70%
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4) People with new amputations are likely to feel phantom pain for up to____ year(s) after the surgery.
  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4
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5) At least how many inches of the tibia are required to ensure a sufficient lever arm for effective prosthetic control?
  1. 2
  2. 3-4
  3. 4-5
  4. 5-6
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6) Less than ____ inches may be insufficient length for prosthetic control?
  1. 2
  2. 3
  3. 4
  4. 5
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7) Referral for a prosthetic fitting is made when the distal limb circumference is equal to or no more than ___ inch greater than limb circumference?
  1. ¼
  2. ½
  3. ¾
  4. 1
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8) With each dressing change, the wound is carefully examined and the ______ of the drainage is documented
  1. Quantity
  2. Color
  3. Consistency
  4. Both A and B
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9) Within ___ weeks a person with an amputation due to trauma will have sufficient enough healing to begin using a prefabricated adjustable prosthesis.
  1. 2
  2. 3
  3. 4
  4. 6
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10) From the above question…If there is a vascular disease it could take_________
  1. 6 weeks
  2. 6-8 weeks
  3. 2-4 months
  4. Up to a year
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11) Amputations at the transtibial level (below the knee) occur at least _______ as often as amputations at other levels.
  1. Half
  2. Twice
  3. 3 times
  4. 4 times
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12) The ______ is the portion of the prosthesis that makes contact with and disperses pressure around the residual limb.
  1. Shank
  2. Suspension mechanism
  3. Prosthetic foot
  4. Socket
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13) Which of the following is not a goal of prosthetic socks?
  1. cushion forces applied to the residual limb during ambulation
  2. cosmetic appeal
  3. accommodate to changes in the volume of the residual limb
  4. absorb moisture and keeps it away from the skin
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14) Once the layers of socks reach a ply of ___ or more, a new socket may be necessary.
  1. 4
  2. 6
  3. 8
  4. 10
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15) The residual limb will continue to shrink for up to_______ after amputation.
  1. 6 weeks
  2. 3-6 months
  3. 6-8 months
  4. 1 year
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16) The definitive prosthesis is made when…
  1. The residual limb volume stabilizes
  2. When the patient uses the same amount of socks with the prosthesis
  3. When the patient has learned to successfully use the temporary prosthesis
  4. A and B
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17) The definitive prosthesis should last the patient…
  1. 3 years
  2. 2-4 years
  3. 3-5 years
  4. 4-6 years
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18) Areas on the residual limb that are blanched and quickly turn deep red often indicate…
  1. Infection
  2. Excessive pressure
  3. A rash
  4. Edema
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19) Problems with limb circumference or shape can usually be corrected by
  1. Increasing muscle mass
  2. Decreasing muscle mass
  3. Altering the number of socks
  4. Addition or subtraction of an ace wrap
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20) The powder test, ball of clay test, and the lipstick tests are….
  1. Used to determine if the socket is too large
  2. Used to determine if the socket is too small
  3. Used to determine the number of socks needed for proper socket fit
  4. Used to determine is a new socket is needed
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21) Phantom limb pain can be controlled with all of the following except.
  1. Firm pressure techniques
  2. Analgesics
  3. Consistent use of prosthetic
  4. All of the above
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22) Diabetics amputees will undergo amputation of their sound limb ____% of the time within 1 year.
  1. 10%
  2. 20%
  3. 30%
  4. 40%
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23) From the previous question, what percent will lose their sound limb after 5 years?
  1. 20%
  2. 30%
  3. 40%
  4. 50%
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24) Which of the following devices is most recommended for transtibial amputee gait training?
  1. Quad Cane
  2. Lofstrand crutches
  3. Standard walker
  4. All of the devices are equally effective
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25) A transfemoral amputation is done
  1. Proximal to the anatomical knee joint
  2. The middle of the anatomical knee joint
  3. Distal to the anatomical knee joint
  4. All of the above
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26) Which of the following is not a concern for increased energy expenditure for a transfemoral amputee?
  1. Weight of prosthesis
  2. Quality of socket fit
  3. Accuracy of alignment of the prosthesis
  4. Number of socks being worn by the amputee
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27) The anterior wall of the socket causes the socket to be
  1. Of equal width on all 4 socket walls
  2. More narrow anterior to posterior
  3. More narrow medial to lateral
  4. Wide anteriorly and narrow posteriorly
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28) The anterior socket wall produces a _______ force which keeps the ischium on the ischial seat (where the ischium does its weight bearing in standing and gait)
  1. Anterior
  2. Posterior
  3. Medial
  4. Lateral
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29) The ischial ramal containment socket does all of the following except
  1. Controls socket rotation
  2. Distributes weight through the socket along the shaft of the femur
  3. Enhances muscle function by having a wider anteroposterior dimension
  4. All of the above are correct
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30) Which of the following preoperative assessments does not help dictate the level of amputation in an upper extremity.
  1. Pain
  2. Chronic scar tissue
  3. Muscle strength
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31) According to the slides, the benefits of UE residual limb exercises are all of the following except…
  1. Improved circulation
  2. Decreased chance of phantom pain
  3. Prevents scar tissue adhesion
  4. Reduced likely hood of psychological problems
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32) The most common device for an UE prosthetics is…
  1. An artificial hand
  2. A hook
  3. No device (a stump)
  4. A weapon like a knife or some sort of laser gun !!!!
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33) The three classes of UE prosthetics are listed below, which one does not belong?
  1. Industrial
  2. Cosmetic
  3. Body Powered
  4. Electric Powered
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34) In the case of a bilateral arm amputee, the patient may learn to use their feet to perform activities of daily living if they are under the age of_______?
  1. 12
  2. 15
  3. 20
  4. 25
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35) According to the slides, how should an amputee break in new shoes?
  1. Begin wearing them for 2 hour intervals
  2. Wear them every other day for the first 2 weeks
  3. Initially: do not use them at work or during physical activities
  4. Ask the neighbor boy if he’ll break them in for you…
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36) All component parts need to be checked regularly for wear; especially the_______.
  1. Joint component
  2. Socket
  3. Outer surface
  4. Feet
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37) The majority of Hip Disarticulation Amputations are due to
  1. Malignant bone tumors
  2. Trauma
  3. Diabetes
  4. Birth defects
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38) With a hip amputation, the most important thing regarding the socket is?
  1. General fit
  2. Comfort
  3. Function
  4. Cosmetics
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39) Prosthesis lift test -If the limb sags during hip hiking, then the socket is too ____.
  1. Short
  2. Small
  3. Large
  4. Heavy
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40) A hip prosthesis should be______
  1. The same length as the sound limb
  2. Shorter than the sound limb
  3. Longer than he sound limb
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41) After the prosthetist correctly aligns the prosthetic, it may appear_____
  1. That the knee is slightly flexed
  2. That the knee is straight
  3. That the knee is slightly hyperextended
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42) The proper instructions for a hip amputee to use a ramp or go up a hill is…
  1. Go up and down ramp leading with sound leg
  2. Go up and down ramp leading with prosthesis
  3. Go up ramps leading with prosthesis, and down with sound leg
  4. Go up ramps leading with sound leg, and down with prosthesis
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