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English as a Second Language — Progress test 2, part 1 —  Journey into space

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1) When the first man landed on the moon, twelve-year-old Claudie Haigneré was on holiday on a French campsite. The first French woman in space recalls that day: "My father, who was always _____________
  1. curious
  2. surprised
  3. interested
  4. fastinated
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2) about the world, _____________ us that something really extraordinary was about to happen.
  1. said
  2. told
  3. explained
  4. suggested
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3) It was a beautiful evening, so we sat under the stars and watched TV. To see the moon so _____________ away in the sky and then to see a man climb down a ladder
  1. far
  2. long
  3. remote
  4. outside
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4) onto the _____________ of it was just incredible."
  1. top
  2. side
  3. level
  4. surface
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5) After the moon landing, Haigneré read and watched whatever she could about space. _____________ there herself seemed unimaginable.
  1. making
  2. finding
  3. reaching
  4. traveling
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6) However, much later she heard that France's space center was _____________ for astronauts.
  1. asking
  2. looking
  3. offering
  4. requesting
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7) It was an opportunity that Haigneré couldn't _____________. Of 1,000 candidates, seven were chosen: six men and Haigneré.
  1. miss
  2. lose
  3. wait
  4. avoid
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8) Haigneré eventually went into space twice. What was it like being completely _____________ from life on Earth?
  1. put off
  2. cut off
  3. set out
  4. got away
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9) "I usually had no time to sit and watch the earth turn. However, once I decided to _____________ some time to enjoy the spectacle; it was extraordinary."
  1. do
  2. get
  3. take
  4. spend
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