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Pharmacology Final

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1) The bactericidal antibiotic that interferes with bacterial cell-wall synthesis and that may cause "red man syndrome" if injected too rapidly is
  1. piperacillin
  2. vancomycin
  3. gentamicin
  4. clindamycin
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2) The antibiotic whose adverse effects include heartburn, photosensitivity, and possible depression of bone growth in young children is
  1. erythromycin
  2. tetracycline
  3. gentamicin
  4. clindamycin
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3) The main pharmacokinetic feature of aminoglycosides is that they are
  1. lipid soluble
  2. well absorbed orally
  3. poorly absorbed from the GI tract and excreted mostly unchanged in the urine if injected
  4. devoid of serious adverse effects
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4) Griseofulvin is useful in dermatophytic infections because it
  1. binds to keratin
  2. is fungicidal
  3. forms ergosterol in hair and nails
  4. incorporates itself into fungal RNA
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5) Which antifungal drug is matched with its correct mechanism of action?
  1. echinocandins inhibit polysaccharide (glucan) synthesis in the cell wall
  2. flucytosine binds to the cell membrane
  3. ticonazole is an antimetabolite for fungal RNA
  4. amphotericin B binds to a cytochrome P450-dependent enzyme
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6) The mechanisms of action for antiviral medications include
  1. binding to ergosterol
  2. inhibiting cell mitosis
  3. inhibiting neuraminidase
  4. facilitating viral fusion to the host cell
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7) The antimetabolite that blocks DNA synthesis by interfering with folic acid is
  1. mercaptopurine
  2. fluorouracil
  3. methotrexate
  4. cytarabine
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8) The drug that binds to mitotic tubules to cause metaphase arrest is
  1. doxorubicin
  2. asparaginase
  3. etoposide
  4. vincristine
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9) Enzyme inhibition of aromatase is the mechanism of action of
  1. tamoxifen
  2. anastrozole
  3. leuprolide
  4. goserelin
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10) The monoclonal antibody that inhibits vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and new blood vessel formation is
  1. imatinib
  2. trastuzumab
  3. bevacizumab
  4. gefitinib
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11) Which of the following is true of chemotherapy?
  1. one of the early goals of chemotherapy is remission
  2. antineoplastic drugs only attack cancerous cells
  3. drug resistance is increased with combination therapy
  4. it is the primary form of treatment for solid tumors
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12) Select the correct statements for alkylating drugs.
  1. decrease cells' ability to synthesize proteins
  2. are cell-cycle nonspecific
  3. bind irreversibly with nucleic acids and are cell-cycle nonspecific
  4. all statements are true
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13) The mechanisms of actions for the antimetabolites include
  1. blocking DNA synthesis
  2. forming abnormal nucleotides
  3. preventing DNA replication and forming abnormal nucleotides
  4. all of these
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14) Select the correct statements about the plant extract treatments for cancer.
  1. they can bind to microtubules
  2. they induce enzymes
  3. they increase DNA strand breakage
  4. they can bind to microtubules, and they increase DNA strand breakage
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